waiting stinks. i'd really like to hear back from relevant or target in the next day or so about jobs. i just really want to get the ball rolling on all that. mainly because i'd like to know where i'm headed here in a few months. but i guess that just something i'll have to wait on. i figure God is in control of that, so maybe i'll just worry about other stuff.
stuff like my senior project. it's proving to a bit more daunting than i first imagined. beyond the fact that i'm basically a guinea pig for the whole thing because they've only been doing the project for a year. i asked my advisor today exactly what my end result should be, and he said, "i'm not really sure." i was thinking, great, at least i know what i need to do...not. so pretty much more toying with the problem and looking up math journals. i won't go into more details because i'll probably just bore you. well, that's about all for tonight.
corporate favors

the beginning of the end

fishy adventure

spring time????

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apparently me and sadam should be good buddies. who would have known??
lonely helmets and missing bikes

cleaner room

goal for the coming weekend: clean apartment.
probability of goal happening: 50%


sometimes God really just smacks you in the face. i just read this about 10 minutes ago. and this is my reaction.
i'm not who i'm pretending to be. you know that. i haven't been the man you wanted me to be. i've ignored and pushed and pouted and done whatever i want. somewhere in the journey, i lost sight of the goals that had been set for me. i took a left instead of a right. not because i didn't know where i was going, but because i decided that the left was better. well here i am. at the end of that road. obviously not where i'm supposed to be. and i'm just looking around, trying to figure out how exactly it is that i got here. all these years i've been questioning and blaming everything and everyone, except the one who really screwed it all up. me. this isn't what was intended; joyless, bitter, depressing. i'm turning around now. heading back to the right. i don't think it's going to be easy, but i know that it's possible, because it's what you want. and that's always possible.
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