well, the presentation went really well. i got a lot of good feedback from professors from other schools. in addition, i found a bunch more examples yesterday of amphicheiral knots that are ribbon amphicheiral (if you really want to know what i'm talking about, i'll send you a copy of my paper). and speaking of the paper, it's all done, save the title page, table of contents, conclusion, and reference (piddly easy stuff).
so anyways, now that the paper is done, my life may return somewhat to normal. although i do still have two photo portfolios and a presentation on the project to give. yeesh, i feel like i'll never be done with all this junk. oh well...
i leave for wisconsin tomorrow. i'll be heading home for the easter weekend and then to madison on sunday afternoon. i have my second round interview with epic systems on monday. that'll be the last job interview of this job hunting "season". hopefully it works out, cuz it's a really cool company. but more on that later, i'm heading to bed.
p.s. the picture is a little taste of what's been going on in my senior project. if you can tell me what's going on there, i'll be very impressed, and may buy you lunch.
two paperclips performing the fox trot.
haha, a valiant effort jake, but incorrect. sorry.
that knot is obviously deforming into its mirror image.
who knows what is going on - i think nothing though, why you may ask??? Well the first one looks like the last one, it reminds me of a litlle kid playing with something for a lonf time say a jig saw - it is set up and torn apart and set up again - - so i guess what i am trying to say is your knot is really a jig saw
well...paper clips=wrong, jigsaw=wrong, however, kim seems to have mastered the art of deformation and amphicheirality, so she gets it right...and in doing so, earned one free lunch. way to go kim.
ahhh...... "amphicheirality" WOW must be out of a math book, it aint in no dictionary
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