

well, that's it folks. i completed my last final for my college career earlier today. it was a really surreal moment. after i finished it, i just walked outside, looked around a bit, took a really deep breath, and then walked home. frankly, it was a bit anti-climatic. but in the end, i kinda liked how it all went down. i paused for a moment to reflect on where i had been the last four years, and then took a deep breath in preparation, and then moved on. that's really all it was. it was a moment where i stopped and realized what that moment meant. maybe i should do that more often. i'm sure there are other points in time where i need to stop and really think about the moment and what it means to my life. anyways, i'm rambling, and being all philosophical.

my parents will be here in about 15 hours to once again begin the packing and prepare for the move on monday. it'll be a little different this time though. i'm not just moving across campus. i'm leaving. madison, here i come. so if you're ever in the neighborhood, look me up. i'm sure we can find something fun to do.


Kim said...

aww wood! you're gonna be missed, bud!

Anonymous said...

congrats!! we went to my brother's graduation from UWRF and my dad kept turning to me saying, "what were you feeling like at this moment?" and i was like, "uh. i have 3 weeks of teaching yet to finish so this isn't finality for me... stop asking me that question." like you - graduating was pretty anti-climactic.

have fun in madison! i'll be there (hopfully) the 2nd week in august for drum corps finals @ camp randall... we'll have to hang out!